Streamlining IT Infrastructure for a Denver Financial Advisory Firm with OliveTech

The Challenge

When a leading investment firm recognized some minor IT hiccups and reached out for assistance, what seemed like a straightforward fix quickly unfolded into something far bigger. Our initial assessments uncovered a stark reality: their IT infrastructure was anything but structured. This lack of organization led to several critical challenges:

Inconsistent File Access
Employees found themselves using a variety of methods to access key documents, leading to inefficiencies and a higher risk of data loss.

Time-Consuming Troubleshooting
The chaotic IT environment meant that even simple issues became major time sinks.

Employee-Driven Fixes
Valuable time that could have been spent on core responsibilities was instead being wasted on DIY tech solutions.

The Solution

To tackle these inefficiencies and bolster security, we devised a comprehensive strategy to revamp the firm's IT setup, focusing on integration and security using their existing Microsoft 365 tools. Here's how we did it:

Migration to OneDrive
Leveraging their existing use of Microsoft 365 for email and Teams, we transitioned their file storage from Dropbox to OneDrive for a smoother, more integrated workflow.

Structured File System
We overhauled their file organization, creating a streamlined, easy-to-navigate system that sped up document retrieval.

Security Permission Groups
We introduced specific security groups and permissions to ensure that sensitive information was accessible only to authorized personnel.

Consistent File Access Locations
We established uniform policies across all devices, ensuring consistent access to files, whether on Macs or PCs.

Security Policy and Device Management
We tightened security by managing device access to SharePoint, email, and other essential business resources, restricting network access to approved devices only.

The Results

Seamless Ecosystem for Collaboration
 The shift to OneDrive has fostered a more collaborative environment, enabling seamless file sharing and access across devices, further streamlined by the integration with Teams.

Time Efficiency
The clear, organized file structure and reduced need for self-troubleshooting have freed up employee time, boosting productivity and allowing focus on strategic tasks.

Enhanced Security
Our strategic permission settings and device management protocols have significantly reduced the risk of unauthorized access, securing critical business information.

Cost Savings
The streamlined IT framework has cut down on operational costs, freeing up resources to be reinvested into other vital areas of the business.


“The recent updates to our IT systems have been a game changer, seamlessly integrating with our daily operations and enhancing our team’s collaboration. Major kudos to OliveTech for their insight and support throughout this process. Their expertise has been invaluable, and we're excited to see where this partnership takes us next.”



Our collaboration with this esteemed investment firm is a prime example of how customized IT solutions can propel operational efficiency. We've transformed their IT landscape into a more productive, secure, and cost-efficient operation by aligning their technology with business goals.

Facing similar challenges in your organization? Get in touch with us to explore how we can tailor IT solutions to enhance your business operations.

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